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Heart's Medicine - Doctor's Oath

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  1. Heart S Medicine - Doctor S Oath
  2. Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath Gamehouse
  3. Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath Walkthrough

Well, the PC release sure came out timely haha.

Heart's Medicine – Doctor's Oath is a GameHouse exclusive Time Management game. Also available on mobile devices, the goal of the game is to treat patients in a timely manner while unlocking new chapters of a thrilling medical drama. Allison Heart's biggest game yet comes with some unique new challenges. Summary: Heart's Medicine - Doctor's Oath is an intense medical drama tied to a time management game that'll move you to tears. It's a different take on the dash game and is related to Emily Delicious cooking time management games. This heart's Medicine game has a gripping storyline, beautiful music. Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath एक आरपीजी और टाइम मैनेजमेंट गेम है, जो GameHouse के अन्य शीर्षकों की तरह है (जैसे Amber's Airline या Dr. Cares Family Practice), आपके चरित्र की कहानी के बीच में शुरू होती है, और. Heart's Medicine - Doctor's Oath is an intense medical drama tied to a time management game that'll move you to tears. It's a different take on the dash game and is related to Emily Delicious cooking time management games. Heart's Medicine - Doctor's Oath is an intense medical drama tied to a casual game that'll move you to tears. The game has a gripping and unique storyline, original singer/songwriter music, highly detailed artwork and animation, cool addictive gameplay and an insane amount of heart.

Released: Steam / Mobile
Type: Single Player
Genre: Time Management Medical Sim
Developer: Blue Giraffe, Gamehouse
Publisher: Gamehouse
Release date: June 25, 2020

Heart's Medicine – Doctor's Oath is finally out for PC! Or should say that it was able to be ported over as those that played the series on PC were told that it wasn't possible last year (I still held out hopes though). If you need a basic, little refresher on what happened at the end of Hospital Heat (spoilers ahead if you haven't played it): Sophia revealed she was pregnant (although Joe, the father, died in an ambulance crash in Time to Heal); Daniel was fired due to his drug addiction but got a job at Queensburrow with the help of Allison; Allison performs brain surgery on her mother; Little Creak Hospital was burned down due to old equipment forced onto the hospital; and everyone was transfered to Queensburrow.

Sure 'cheat sheet'

Now in Doctor's Oath, the Little Creek team is still getting used to being at Queensburrow. Not only does Queensburrow have a staff that isn't too inviting, they have multiple systems in place that the Little Creek team finds weird. Though, the worst has to be that Allison is now interning under a different doctor, Dr. Ermey, during her last rotation. Dr. Ermey doesn't like Allison and is looking for anything to fail her. He even has Aubrey as his star student (bleh). Of course, this isn't the only thing Allison has to deal with. A new patient, named Grant, comes in with a mysterious disease and, due to a certain star student, infects a handful of doctors. Now Allison and the rest of the uninfected doctors must find a way to save their fellow colleagues before time runs out. I have to warn you guys, the story for this installment gets very sad.

Doctor's Oath plays similarly to Gamehouse's previous games. Each level, patients will enter your department to get treated. You need to assign them to the station they need to be at and then set Allison to treat them in a timely manner so you can get a sweet quick bonus or keep them from leaving in anger. Sometimes, it's just a simple treatment where Allison just needs to do a check, choose the right choice between multiple choices, the patient needs an item (which can be a single item or one you need to combine), or you need to do a minigame (weirdly enough, there are no gesture treatments). Most of the minigames are new and correspond with which department you're in. Once they're all done, all you'll need to do is check them out. In addition, you'll have the classic optional find Oliver task as well as a challenge. At the end, you'll be granted hearts and stars based on your score.

However, there are some significant changes made since Hospital Heat for better or for worse. One addition that I'm not surprised about is the ability to call in patients early. If you complete the level early, as well as having all your stations clean, you'll get bonus points. However, the main aspect that I hated, and I have seen complaints on for both mobile and PC, is having to do each level multiple times. You can't get all the stars on your first go if you're that good anymore. After the first couple of story levels, you'll be generally getting only one star, maybe two, on your first try. Your score is accumulated with each try and this often requires you to play a level at least three times to get all five stars. This is due to the mobile version introducing an energy system which depleted by 20 every time you played a level.

Though, you do get some help with the addition of boosters. These boosters will boost something specific so you can hopefully get a higher score like being able to walk faster, giving you an additional tray slot, more mini-game/level time, or having Olivers spawn in more. You'll get boosters every time you level up, from chests, or you can buy more with diamonds.

The chapter maps are also very different than before. Instead of the usual curvy line with the occasional challenge level, the map is dominated with a ton of challenge levels. Around the routes, there are chests that you'll need to complete a task before opening (like finding Oliver 200 times), card stacks, and a spot that will give you more hearts. There are also character puzzles that you'll need to get puzzle pieces by completing challenges. Once you get all of them and place them, you'll get a story scene and diamonds. However, the paths are blocked by star gates. These star gates require you to have so many stars to unlock so you can continue with the story or block challenge levels that lead to a chest, card pack, or hearts. Due to this, you'll need to often go back and grind out levels (if you didn't play each level multiple times already) to continue. You'll need a whopping 720 stars to finish the story. I'm not a fan of this either for obvious reasons. This seems like it was due to the energy system as well.

I did do a test to see if this was really a problem or not. I went totally crazy and 100% the first chapter, which took me about six hours for 190 stars. I then played every level afterwords only once, unless I didn't complete the challenge, and that lasted me until the lock that would open Chapter 5. In Chapter 4, I came across not having enough stars for even the locks blocking challenge levels and had 386 stars out of the needed 450. Additionally, I kept track of how many stars I achieved only in Chapter 2 and it left me 70 stars short from what was required to move on to Chapter 3.

You can unlock the star locks with diamonds instead, but I don't recommend doing this on the PC version as you don't buy diamonds with real money. They're limited as you only get a diamond when you first get it from challenges, from completing the character puzzles, or the handful of challenge levels that just give you diamonds, otherwise you get some once you level up. Not to mention the diamonds are used to unlock extra scenes in the photo album as you need to buy each individual part (which for some photos are quite pricey).

Anyway, the challenge levels, which most of them will be familiar. There are the basic challenge levels; guinea pig levels that has you finding Oliver, Punky (adds more time), and Olive (gives extra hearts); time trials allows you to call an unlimited number of patients and will either have a challenge that goes with it (like getting a certain score in the first half or checking out a ton of patients) or one that can be on the regular challenge (like patients losing hearts very quickly or finding items); and lastly the minigame challenges that will just have you do one or a couple mini-games.

The upgrades have also changed. Instead of upgrades being available from the start as long as you have enough coins, here it's based on upgrade cards and require hearts for payment. Apart from a couple of cards being granted at the beginning, you need to open chests or card stacks to get more of, and some of them are available in other chapters. This is a little bit weird, but some challenges do put you in a previous department and you might have to go back to grind out stars anyway. These upgrades improve the patient's patience, add in an additional station, gives you an additional tray slot forever, and how fast they and Allison walk, but there are upgrades that improve how many hearts an item/station will give you. Depending on the level and if the challenge requires you to get to a certain point threshold, those heart upgrades can be required to at least get one star your first try without a booster (otherwise, it'll take two tries) or complete the challenge. Two other upgrade shops were added in though: the mini-game upgrades that'll give you two extra seconds or double the points for one minigame and the Oliver upgrades that will increase the amount of points and the spawn rates of the special guinea pigs named Punky and Olive. These upgrades get pretty expensive fast which quickly makes the mini-game upgrades useless and the Oliver upgrades only worth it for the Oliver challenges that you can't complete even with boosters (which might be due to the mobile version letting you double your score by watching ads).

Once you complete the whole game, you'll unlock Elite Mode. This will start you at the very beginning, but adds in 12 new levels, two new patients, a new guinea pig, 12 new shop items, two new stories, and is slightly harder than Normal Mode. Honestly, I wasn't really up to restarting by the end of my playthrough, but it's there if you want to play even more.


Heart's Medicine – Doctor's Oath keeps up with the wonderful story that hooked me since the first time I started the series and it has to be the saddest Gamehouse game yet, but it's bogged down by how Gamehouse decided to monetize this title. Yes, there are no in-game purchases as the price is a one time deal, however it still affects this port. You need to play the vast majority of levels multiple times; the star locks, while encouraging players to play the challenge levels, will make you go back to grind out stars; the upgrades are expensive; and it's very easy to get burnt out (I know I did).

When I was looking into how the mobile version is like and how it influenced the PC version, I found out that while Doctor's Oath may be the last Heart's Medicine title, it's not the end. The PC version ends on Chapter 6, but the mobile version has two additional chapters with a third in the works. From the looks of the synopsis, it takes place after Allison's graduation and follows plot points that weren't fully resolved in the first six chapters (like which department Allison decides on and if Aubrey will actually face consequences). Hopefully, once chapters are done being added in, they'll be ported over to PC.

I don't regret playing Doctor's Oath as I do love Allison's story, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I regretted the multiple nights I stayed up just to grind out stars so I can continue through the story. So, if you've been looking forward to the next (and possibly last?) chapter to Allison's story ever since Time to Heal was released and don't mind how you need to replay levels and grind out stars, pick this up. I played just enough to where I can complete the game and it took me a little bit over 36 hours to complete, so you'll be getting the most bang out of your buck even when doing the minimum (and even more if you want to 100% Normal and Elite mode). Otherwise… I don't blame you for skipping this one.

Heart's Medicine Doctors Oath is the latest addition to GameHouse's Heart's Medicine series on Android and iOS. This time around, you will be following medical intern Allison Heart as she overcomes obstacles to becoming a full-fledged doctor. On the surface, the game looks like any other time management game filled with multiple levels that you need to complete. Patients walk in and you need to attend to each of them before they get upset and ask some other doctor for help.

The gameplay, however, is much more engaging. It is not just a matter of tapping different points on the screen to get the patient where he wants to go. There will be various minigames to juggle with each patient as you administer treatment. Things start out easy, but it quickly becomes hectic as more patients come in needing different types of treatment. Check out our Heart's Medicine Doctors Oath tips, cheats and strategies if you want to help Allison become a successful doctor!

1. Make It Quick

When you are dealing with sick and injured people, time is of the essence. The same is true in Heart's Medicine Doctors Oath. Each patient you get will have a set of hearts above their head. The hearts disappear gradually as they wait to be attended to. When they run out of hearts, they will get upset and another doctor will swoop in to take care of them. That means you will not be able to earn any points from that patient anymore.

Another reason to work fast when dealing with patients is to get their hearts to turn gold. Golden hearts no longer deteriorate over time. That means you will be able to make them wait as much as you want, and they will still give you full points. It is a good idea to get a customer to gold as soon as possible. You can then move on to the next patient right away while the previous one behaves.

2. Wait Before Checking Out

Juggling multiple patients isn't the only reason for you to get their hearts to gold right away. Even after treatment, non-gold patients will continue to lose hearts if they have not been checked out. You want to line up as many patients at the checkout counter as possible. Checking out multiple patients at once will give you a combo bonus. You earn more points this way, allowing you to fill up your stars quickly. Try to stack a lot patients before checkout and watch the stars fly across the screen.

3. Complete Challenges For Bonuses

At the beginning of each stage, you will be presented with a challenge. You will be able to successfully complete a level without meeting the challenge, but it is better if you do. Challenges reward you with bonuses, including Diamonds, the game's premium currency. If you have no plans of spending real money on the game, it is best if you take advantage of every opportunity to earn a few extra Diamonds. Challenges vary in each level. In some levels you will be asked to get a Quick bonus a number of times. Other challenges will require you to earn a certain number of hearts. You can keep track of your challenge progress on the indicator at the top right of the screen.

4. Look For Oliver

Heart S Medicine - Doctor S Oath

Oliver is your pet guinea pig. He often escapes from his cage and pops in while you are working. That means he will appear somewhere on the screen while you are playing. You will need to be vigilant because he is small and can be easy to miss. Every stage will have Oliver in it, but the location will be different each time. Finding Oliver will give you bonus points that will help you fill up those level stars.

5. Double Your Score With Ads

After you complete the tutorial levels in Heart's Medicine Doctors Oath, you will start seeing an ad offer button at the end of each stage. Tap on it and a short video advertisement will play. After viewing the ad, your score will be doubled. While doubling your score does not really help you earn additional hearts or currency, it does help you hit a new high score. It also helps you fill up stars in case you weren't able to get them all during you run. Remember, it costs 20 energy to play a level. You can't really be wasting your limited energy trying to replay the same stage over and over. Doubling your score with a short ad is sometimes just what you need to seal the deal.

6. Aim For Five Stars

We have been talking about raising your score and filling up stars for a while now, so you are probably wondering what they are for. When you look at the main map of the game, you will notice that some areas are locked. Even if you manage to make it to those areas, you will not be able to play any of the levels without unlocking them first. That's where stars come in. Each new area requires a number of stars. If you failed to gather those stars in previous stages, you can just replay them until you have what you need.

Stars are filled up depending on the score you earn on each level. At the end of each level, you will be given a summary of the stars you earned as well as the number of points you are lacking before you can get the next star. It is possible to get all five stars in a single run. The good news, however, is that even if you fail to get all of them, you will be able to continue filling up the same star on your next try.

7. You Technically Can't Fail

Allison may be the intern who is trying to make it to graduation day, but you don't have to worry as much as she does. As a player, you can't really fail a stage. Even if leave the game idle after starting a stage and all the patients lose their hearts, you still won't fail the stage. You will just miss out on the opportunity to earn stars or hearts, but that's it.

In the same sense, you can't really lose all your patients unless you try very hard to ignore all of them. Even after the shift ends, they will continue to wait for you no matter how long the line gets outside of the clinic. On top of that, the patients waiting outside will not start losing hearts until they enter the door. That means you should not give up even if you fumble a bit. If you have too many things going on inside the clinic, just sacrifice one patient to hold the door. Let him lose his hearts in order to buy yourself time to get everything else done before the next patients come in. This way, you won't be wasting the energy you spend to start that stage and still manage to get some hearts and stars out of it.

8. Collect Puzzle Pieces

If you look at the main map, you will notice certain nodes with puzzle pieces in them. Tap on it to see the list of tasks you need to complete in order to earn each puzzle piece. When you complete all of them, you will be able to put them all together to create a picture. The full picture will unlock a hidden story scene that will give you more insight into the characters of the game. On top of that, you also get bonus Diamonds in the process. Always check the different puzzle nodes before moving on to the next level, so you know which tasks to aim for.

9. Play The Extra Levels

The map shows the flow of the main story with a path that is clearly thicker than any other line. Going through the levels on this thick path will allow you to follow Allison's story. While you might be excited to watch the drama unfold, it is actually better if you take time to complete the extra levels as soon as they are available.

Extra levels are smaller paths that veer away from the main line. They include stages that have different rules compared to the main game. For example, the first extra level will have you playing a whack-a-mole round with Oliver in it. Another extra level will give you an unlimited number of patients within a time limit. These extra levels also have their own challenges that you can complete. That means you get to earn additional hearts, stars, and Diamonds by completing them. That means you can purchase more upgrades before moving on to the next part of the story.


10. Save Your Boosters

Boosters get unlocked as you level up in Heart's Medicine Doctors Oath. There are six types of boosters in the game with varying levels of usefulness. You get free boosters from time to time, but they are consumable, so it is best if you hold on to them until you actually need them. Once you run out of boosters, the only way to get more is by spending Diamonds, and that's really not what you want to spend your premium currency on. Avoid using any boosters within the first 20 levels of the game. You will especially need the Super Speed, Goldifier, and Extra Minigame Time in the more advanced levels when you are struggling to keep up with the demands.

11. Spend Your Hearts Wisely

Hearts are used to unlock upgrades from the shop. You can purchase new workstations or improve existing ones. The price of each upgrade varies, depending on the effect. Before you go on a shopping spree, make sure you consider what you really need. For example, the upgrade for increasing the maximum number of item slots costs a whopping 600 hearts, but do you really need it? Earlier stages are easily completed with the default number of slots as long as you manage your time well. The cheaper upgrades available, however, will help you earn more hearts in each stage. It would be wiser to invest in those upgrades until you actually need to expand or add more stations.

Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath Gamehouse

12. Install The Heart Generators

On the main map, you will see small nodes that look like decorations. The first one is a small tree and it costs 10 Diamonds to unlock. Don't be afraid to shell out that 10 Diamonds because that tree will actually generate hearts over time. Since you will be needing a lot of hearts in order to keep progressing through the levels, it is better if you unlock these heart generators as soon as you gain access to them.

Once you have unlocked heart generators, you will see how many hearts you have gathered over time at the bottom of the screen. Tap on the button to claim the hearts you have earned. Make it a habit to claim it often even if it isn't full yet. The heart generators have a starting maximum capacity of 50 hearts. That means all the additional hearts get wasted if the generator sits at full capacity. You can increase the capacity but that would cost you no less than 100 Diamonds. That's a whole lot of Diamonds to throw away when you could just be diligent in collecting the hearts!

13. Watch Out For Diamond Customers

Diamond customers are unlocked when your reach level 3. Tap on the Diamond customer button on the bottom of the screen and one will appear on the next level you play. Make sure you keep an eye out for that Diamond customer in your next stage. They are usually demanding and impatient, but if you manage to get them to a golden heart, you will be rewarded with Diamonds. After you complete the next level, the Diamond customer button will go on cooldown for four hours. Set an alarm and don't forget to return after four hours in order to maximize the number of Diamond customers you get each day.

14. Claim Your Level Rewards

As you play through the levels, you will earn player experience. This will increase your overall level indicated by the number on the bottom left corner of the main screen. The game gives you several rewards whenever you level up, including new upgrades and Diamonds. The rewards are not automatically given out, though. You might not even notice you have leveled up. That is why it is important that you regularly check that number at the bottom of your screen. If you see that you have leveled up, tap on the number in order to claim your rewards.

Heart's Medicine Doctor's Oath Walkthrough

Help Allison achieve her dream of becoming a doctor in Heart's Medicine Doctors Oath! Follow our tips, cheats and strategies above if you want to beat all the levels!

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